Final Exam

There was an elderly man who had spent most of his life believing in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He lived his life trying his best to obey and serve God. Now he had come to the end of his life on earth and there he was standing just outside the pearly gates. But, standing between him and heaven was satan. Satan said to the man "sorry, you didn't make it you have to come with me". The man was instantly horrified, the thoughts of eternity in hell almost overcame him. But the man started to recall his life. He recalled how he read in the Bible that satan is a liar. Suddenly the mans faith began to rise up in him so he said to satan, "satan you are a liar and I don't believe you". Before the man knew what happened satan was gone and Jesus was standing in front of him. Jesus with His face radiating with a smile said "well done my good and faithful servant, you just passed your final exam"!


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