Two State Solution

 The world is trying to "create peace in the middle east" by forcing "the two state solution" on Israel.

 America is deeply divided between the left and the right. So, how about a two state solution for America?

The people on the left want to abandon the principles that America was founded on and try socialism or marxism or some sort of blend of the two. They think that it is the path to some sort of utopia. The people on the right want to go back to the constitution and the rule of law and the foundations which made this country the greatest country ever.

 So, I propose a two state solution for America. Let the left have the western half of the country and the right can have the eastern half of the country.

 The left can have the west with California and the nonexistent southern border. They can deal with all of the illegal aliens, have all of the left leaning politicians and judges, outlaw Christianity, have obamacare, have their socialism, marxism and social justice and raise taxes as high as they want.

 The right will have the east with a clearly defined and stringently enforced border between them and the left. The right will then be free to return to the constitution, lower taxes, lower the size of government, decrease regulations on people and businesses, access their own natural resources for energy, transfer the job of welfare and charity back to the people, return to freedom OF religion and control who comes in and out of our country. Of course they will have some messes to clean up in places like New York, Boston, and Philadelphia but it shouldn't be too hard after they get rid of all of the leftist zombies and elect politicians and judges who will actually uphold the law.

 So let us have the two state solution and let us see which one prospers. Based on history you would think that the question wouldn't even have to be asked again but alas there are many who have been brainwashed into believing the same old lies. So, let them try again. But, let them try it somewhere WITHOUT ME!  


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