Christians Don't Want Christianity

Most Christians in America today don't really want Christianity.

 Jesus said take up your cross and follow me. The cross didn't represent sunshine and lollipops. The cross represented enormous torture, suffering and pain. The Bible refers to Jesus as Lord or Master, referring to a master and slave type of relationship. Christians in America today have no concept of what it is like to be a slave and don't want to know.

 Christians in America today don't want to hear about them suffering., they won't even speak out for fear of verbal repudiation much less physical threats. Christians in America today don't want to hear about following God's rules. They don't think about how God says they are supposed to live they just live the way that they want and then expect God to bless them.

 What most Christians in America today really want is a magic genie. They want God to be their magic genie and make sure that their life is filled with only good things. They only want to hear about "enlarge my territory" or how God is going to prosper them. They don't want to hear sermons about the cross or God's law anymore. If a pastor were to preach these things today he would lose many of his congregation. Most preachers in America today won't stand up and preach the truth because they know that they would lose many members and no longer have a job. They are more concerned with their livelihood than speaking what God would have them say.
 God, please raise up men to speak the truth and separate the wheat from the tares.


  1. Such a truth you have spoken.
    Generally speaking, The Church, it's leaders and it's members are slaves to a philosophy, not to the truth. When the truth finally hits us right between the eyes, we will be scattered to the four winds.


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