Women and Porn

 Pornography has always been a male thing.... until now. Now women are getting involved in porn. Once again something that I thought I would never see. Seems to be happening more and more these days.
Also, once again, this is showing the negative psychological effects of TV and movies on the mind. Once again we are seeing the evidence of America turning away from God and His laws.
 I am not an expert on human behavior but the writer of this article is and he expresses the same thing that I have been saying for many years. Seeing things on TV and in the movies over and over affects the way that you think, i.e. you see homosexuals on TV and movies who seem like good people so you accept them but after numerous times you not only accept the people you also accept homosexuality. Christians should be accepting of homosexuals as people but should not accept homosexuality. The Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin, therefore Christians should reject it as they should all other sins. Now through TV,movies, magazines and books porn is being normalized. The effects of these things are even greater on the minds of young people, so why Christian parents allow their children to watch, read or listen to these things I cannot comprehend. Christian parents allow their children to take part in so much garbage and then wonder why their children turn their backs on God.  



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