I Don't Understand!

 I don't understand why people in this country begrudge someone else's success.
Why do they think that the more successful you are the higher tax rate you should pay. If everyone pays the same percentage the richer are already paying more in taxes. I don't understand why they want the government to take money from the rich and supposedly give it to the poor when the government has proven for decades that it is wasteful with money if not downright corrupt. I don't understand why they trust a dictator who lives lavishly off of the people to "level the playing field". 
 You have to understand, though, the reason that I don't understand is that I was born in another country. I was born in the USA back before it became the USSA. 
 In the USA you were encouraged to reach for the stars, you could even reach for the stars literally by becoming an astronaut, back before NASA was turned into a global warming propaganda agency. Or you could strive to become a star through sports, singing or acting. 
 We were not taught to be envious of the ones who had achieved success, we were taught to strive for our own level of success. We were taught that we could do anything if we put our mind to it. 
 Oh how I miss the USA!


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