
From the article entitled 

'Strongest evidence yet to there being life on Mars'

The Telegraph (

Speaking from his laboratory at the University of Aberdeen, geochemist Prof Parnell said: "We could be so close to discovering if there is, or was, life on Mars.
"We know from studies that a substantial proportion of all life on Earth is also in the subsurface and by studying the McLaughlin Crater we can see similar conditions beneath the surface of Mars thanks to observations on the rocks brought up by the meteorite strike.
"There can be no life on the surface of Mars because it is bathed in radiation and it's completely frozen. However, life in the sub surface would be protected from that.
"And there is no reason why there isn't bacteria or other microbes that were or still are living in the small cracks well below the surface of Mars.
OK, so if scientists will celebrate microbes as life on Mars, why do they debate about when life begins in the womb? I am no scientist and I don't even play one on TV but it seems to me that if microbes on Mars count as life then there is life in the womb before there is even a baby. When there is sperm and egg present then there is even more life and when the sperm and egg come together and the fertilization takes place then there is life just busting out all over the place! Once again scientists twist the facts to suit there agenda.


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