Christian Influence in America by the Numbers

 If you look back over the last few decades you can plainly see that Christians' influence in America has been severely lacking. Gays have come out of the closet and Christians are being pushed into the closet. However, if you look at the numbers you will find something very strange.

 First, let's look at the homosexuals. Over the last few decades they have not only come out of the closet they have elevated themselves to a privileged class and forced their agenda on the rest of the nation. So, there must be a majority of Americans who are homosexual, right? Not at all! Since 1948 it has been stated over and over that 10 percent of Americans are homosexual, but again, not so. In the 2003 Supreme Court case "Lawrence vs. Texas" 31 homosexual advocacy groups admitted that the percentage was around 2.1 percent! A Gallup survey conducted in the last half of last year said that the percentage is now up to a whopping 3.4 percent. So, all of the change in America regarding homosexuality has come by the hands of two to three percent of the nation.

Now, let's look at Christians. Gallup also did a survey in the last half of last year and found that 77 percent of Americans claim to be Christian. OK, OK, I know that not all of those people who claim to be Christian really are Christian. So, for arguments sake let's cut the number in half and say it is only 38.5 percent. You still have over ten times the number of people who are Christian compared to homosexuals. Now, I know that not all of those people who claim to be Christian are going to get off of their... uhhh.... couch and do something so again for arguments sake let's cut the number in half which would be 19.25 percent. You still have over five and one half times as many people who claim to be Christian in America as you do homosexuals.

 So, why has Christian influence in America been lacking to the point of non existence? We are divided! We are divided into denominations and the denominations are not working together. Most of them are not working at all to influence American culture much less working with others. Even the Christian organizations who are trying to affect culture in America are divided. There are numerous groups that Christians can go to, to try to change things in America but those groups are not working together. We have this big name Christian organization doing it's thing and that big name Christian organization doing it's thing  and their efforts are failing because they are divided, they are not working together. Christians in America must come together! If your church and or denomination is not working hard to change the culture in America, I implore you to LEAVE that church. Put your money and effort into a church that will. A few years ago Don Wildmon, the founder of American Family Association, sent out letters to many of the top Christian leaders in America asking them to come together to discuss working together in changing the culture in America. A very few said yes, some said no but the vast majority of them didn't even take the time to reply. These are the top Christian leaders in America today. If they will not do it we must do it without them.  If we don't, it is our children and grandchildren who will pay the price and many of them will pay an eternal price because of  our inaction. The numbers are there, we have NO excuse!


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