Christians Could If They Would

 This is somewhat of a continuation of my last post "Christian Influence in America By the Numbers", so if you haven't read it you might want to back up and read it first.
 Christians could change the culture in America if they would. There are two simple things that Christians could do that would have an immediate and profound impact on America.

  1.  Stop watching TV shows unless they are Christian
  2. Stop going to the movies unless they are Christian 
 If millions of people stopped watching TV and going to the movies it would have such a dramatic effect on Hollywood's budget that they would have to take notice.

 But Christians won't do it.
 Why do I say that? Past experience!
 There have been many examples over the not too distant past but let me give one prime example. 
 In 1996 the Southern Baptist Convention, unofficially, asked their members and all other Christians who would join, to boycott Disney because Disney was getting more and more into pornography and allowing homosexuals to have gay day at the park with much crude acts going on in public view in the park. In 1997 the Southern Baptist Convention voted to make the boycott official. The boycott failed! Why? Simple, Christians were more concerned with their pleasure than they were standing up for what God says is right and what is wrong. When Jesus was here on Earth, in bodily form, the people of the day traded Him for a murderer. Nearly two thousand years later we traded Him for a mouse!
 Christians have the ability to change things in America they simply choose not to.   


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