The Empire

Christians must understand that we are fighting an empire. I am not talking about a spiritual empire, I am talking about a literal earthly empire.
The left wing, liberal, socialist, Marxists, whatever you want to call them have quietly and covertly invaded America and constructed an empire. If you think that getting Obama out of office will take care of the problem then you don't understand the problem. The problem is not only Obama. It is not only the Democratic party nor the Republican party, it is much bigger than that.

The liberals have built an empire that involves the Democrats, the Republicans, Hollywood, the news media, the television industry, the school system and of course, all branches of the government.

There are many theories about groups like the Bilderberg group controlling everything and that may be true or not I don't know but if you just look at what is going on you can see that the liberals are in control.

For sure Obama is a big problem but he would not be able to do what he has done without the help of the Democrat party, Hollywood, the news media and the television industry.

The Democrat party with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have been right there with Obama helping him carry out his plan (or whoever the plan belongs to). 

The Republican party keeps feigning resistance but then goes right along with the plan.

Hollywood supports the liberal agenda financially but they also make films that push the liberal agenda like 
Brokeback Mountain or they slyly "nudge" the audience by doing things like including a character that everyone likes in the movie but the character just happens to be gay and unknowingly people are persuaded that gays are not bad people so lets live and let live and go along with the gay agenda. The television industry is doing the same thing as Hollywood. 

The mainstream news media is pushing the liberal agenda by filtering the news, only presenting the stories that they want you to hear. Trayvon Martin is a good example. How did that one incident become such a big deal out of all of the deaths that occur in America? Because the liberals wanted to make a story about how racism is so bad in America that white people are killing innocent blacks. Never mind that Zimmerman was only half white. They labeled him as white. Obama is half white and they call him black. Never mind that Zimmerman clearly showed signs that a struggle had taken place. They paint the picture the way that they want you to see it.

There are examples almost daily about how the school system is teaching from a liberal view point. There is a story out now about a school system in Florida using textbooks that paint Islam in a favorable light and Christianity in a negative light. The school system in America is taking our children from a very early age, teaching them against our beliefs  and essentially brain washing them or indoctrinating them and when they go to a university the indoctrination becomes even more intense. Then Christians wonder why their children are falling away from the faith and voting liberal????

Of course since the liberals hold the seats of power in the government they use every branch of the government to push the liberal agenda. Christianity in the military is being restricted but Islam is being promoted. The Federal government uses tax money to force the local school systems to comply with their agenda or the school gets no money. The recent IRS scandal is a prime example. They were targeting conservative groups and either denying them permits or making them go through a much more arduous process than liberal groups. 

So you see we are fighting an empire. It is going to take more than voting to change things in America. It is going to take much sacrifice and dedication. Are you in?  


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