Christian Influence in America by the Numbers Part II

 In a previous post titled Christian Influence in America by the Numbers ( I postulated the percentage of Christians in America, who are serious and might actually do something, at 19.25%. 
 If you haven't read that post go back and read it first to see how I arrived at that number.

 There are nearly 317 million people in the United States. 19.25 percent of 317 million people comes out to around 61 million people. Just imagine the impact on America if 61 million people stood together and demanded change, again, especially considering that the homosexual community has wrought drastic change with only 2-3 % of the population.
 Now lets look at some specific actions that these people could do to change America. If millions of people quit watching the movies and TV shows, that they shouldn't be watching anyway, the media industry would have to change. The same applies to the music industry and many other industries. If millions of people started pushing back the governments would have to change. Just look at Colorado where gun owners stood together and recalled two liberal gun grabbing politicians recently. 
 We Christians have the numbers and thereby have the power to change society in America if we will just stand together.If we don't start standing together and fighting back we will be committing suicide by our inaction because the government will continue to push Christianity aside until it is outlawed completely and if you want to know how that works out just look at numerous nations around the world today where Christians are being murdered.


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