
My disgust right now is almost boundless, not just with the gay mafia and their allies the media and government but also with those who call themselves "Christian"! The number of "Christians" who are being swayed to go along with the homosexual agenda or who are just shrugging it off is astounding to me.

1 - I read an article recently by Pastor John Piper about the Supreme Court ruling. In it he said "My main reason for writing is not to mount a political counter-assault. I don’t think that is the calling of the church as such..."
Also he said "Christians, while it may not be the job of the church as an institution to be involved in politics and change things...".
I vehemently disagree with him! It is thanks in large part to "pastors" like him that we are in the situation that we are in today. If the founding fathers of this country, almost all of whom were Christian and many of whom were pastors, had taken that attitude America as we knew it would never have existed. If pastors over the last few decades had simply taken a stand and encouraged their members to get off of their pew and take a stand America could be still enjoying God's blessings instead of facing His wrath.
2 - Other "Christians" say that if I point out what the Bible says about homosexuality I am being unloving, condemning and judgmental.
As a friend of mine says, that is a lie from the pits of hell! And where did you get that idea from? TV maybe?! Maybe you need to spend less time watching TV and more time actually studying your Bible! I am not being condemning nor judgmental. God is! And He is allowed because He is God and He made the rules, which He made for our own good. I am not being unloving for pointing out that someone may be in danger of going to hell. It would be unloving for me NOT to!
3 - "Christians" say sin is sin. WRONG! If you read the other parts of the Bible, not just the verses of hope and promise, you will find that there are different penalties for different sins. Yes I understand that any sin creates separation between us and God but that doesn't mean that God judges all sin the same.
4 - "Christians" who say oh well God is still on the throne.
Yes He is and that can and should be a fearful thing for people living in a country going directly against His instructions.
5 - "Christians" who say oh well Jesus is coming soon.
Maybe, maybe not. The Bible is not clear on the timing of His return. You may be convinced in your interpretation of the scriptures but what if you are wrong? Suppose you find yourself still here and all of hell (literally) breaking loose around you? What then? Is your faith strong enough to carry you through or will it collapse when your "Christian" walk is not all prosperity and blessings?
6- "Christians" say, but I know homosexuals who are good "Christian" people.
Really?! Can you be a "Christian" and be living a life of blatant sin? Did you notice how I keep putting the word Christian in quotation marks? What is "Christian" anymore? Does anybody know? I have been calling myself "Christian" all of my life and now I don't even know what it is anymore which is why I hesitate to call myself "Christian" anymore. According to a recent survey there are over 41000 different denominations of "Christianity". Or you could say that there are over 41000 different opinions about what true "Christianity" is. It is no wonder that "Christians", whatever that is, have lost this country. We have been too busy fighting against ourselves and against God Himself and His word to fight against sin. Uh oh there is another ambiguous word, "sin". What is sin? We don't know what that is either.
Maybe before we try to save anyone else, we need to try to save ourselves. Perhaps it would be a good idea to step back and fall on our faces and truly cry out to God and ask Him to reveal the truth to us! We must get back to the truth of Christ, the truth of who He was, what He said and what He really meant instead of what we want Him to say.
When we get back to the truth, then and only then can we change the world the way the true Christians did 2000 years ago!


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