What Would America Look Like?

As I have written before, Christianity, if you look at the numbers, is a majority in America. Yet these days Christians seem to think that we are a minority. So, let's look at the numbers again but from a slightly different perspective.

Christians make up about 70% of America.

The population in America is currently a little over 323 million people.
70% of 323 million is 226 million people.
So, 226 million people in America proclaim to be Christian.

Again, as I have said before, I realize that not all of those are really Christians. So, for arguments sake let's cut that number in half which would be 113 million people. And again, not all of those people are going to get involved so let's cut that number in half again which would be 56.5 million people.

56.5 thousand people is a big crowd. When 1 million people gather together it is a big news story.


What would America look like if the 56 million got together, stood up and pushed back? Can you imagine?

What would happen if 56 million people in America:
  • started to speak out loud and strong
  • stood up against violence in America
  • stood up against drugs
  • stood up against abortion
  • stood up against all types of sexual perversion
  • let America know that if you attack, criticize or belittle our God we will no longer stand for it
  • told Hollywood that we will no longer watch your garbage on TV or the movies
  • voted out all of the politicians who did not respect Christianity and the Christian foundation that this country was founded on
  • stopped listening to music that glorifies ungodly and unholy behavior
  • stopped coming up with excuses and started actually living the way that the Bible says to
  • started putting others first
  • started loving our heavenly Father by loving others
  • started being more generous, merciful and graceful

Can you imagine what America would look like then?
So you see, Christians could make a difference in America we are simply choosing not to. We are choosing the things of this world over God and His ways.

Now, imagine what God is going to say to us on judgment day!


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