
Showing posts from April, 2010

Just thinkin'

I was just thinking today about how Christians and conservatives in America have been silent too long. We have let too many wrongs slide by. We might complain about them to friends and family but have not been vocal enough in the political process. We have let the environmental extremists do things like stop us from drilling and using our own oil and instead forcing us to pay higher prices and send the money to people who in turn use the money to attack us. Christians have allowed the secular courts to silence us more and more even though there is documentation showing that the founding fathers were much more vocal Christians than my generation ever thought about being. They sold us a lie called separation of church and state. How this country ever fell for that one I'll never figure out because it is too easily disputed. For those of you who don't know, it is NOT in the constitution! There are many other examples that I could use but for now I will stop at those two. The b...

Drastic Times Call for Drastic Measures

I actually wrote this a few months ago and posted it on Facebook. In as much as the politicians in Washington D.C.: 1-Continue to spend more and more money even on frivolous and useless endeavors and ask us the tax payers to pay more and more regardless of the worsening economic conditions we find ourselves in 2-Have been for many years gradually “nudging” the country away from our constitutional roots and toward something like a socialist country, regardless of the fact that our system has been hugely successful and socialism has continuously failed, by proclaiming the constitution to be a “living breathing document” and using that to interpret the constitution to mean what they want it to say 3-Have been for many years usurping our rights in matters such as parenting, religion, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms etc. etc. etc. 4-Have been not only ignoring the will of the people but also belittling the ones that they are supposed to be working for 5-Have bee...