What is Church?

I know, another stupid question. Again, maybe not if you stop and think about it. I am amazed at what people think constitutes a church. So what is it? Is it people? How many do you have to have? Is it a building? Do you have to have a steeple? Do you have to be registered with the I.R.S. as a non-profit organization? Do you have to have a choir? Do you have to have elaborate programs? Do you have to have a network of churches and call it a denomination?
Jesus said where two or three are gathered together that He would be there. What more do you need to have a church? Christendom has gotten too caught up in buildings, programs, denominations etc. We need to get our focus back on God and our relationship with Him and seeking His will in our lives instead of seeking His handouts. Would God not be more pleased with us going out into the community and using our money to minister to people rather than building a big fancy building. Do we really need all of these church employees? Can we not get the job done without having to pay someone to do it? Then we could use that money to minister as well? Imagine how much money a church would have to minister with if it wasn't using the money to pay huge mortgages and huge payrolls. I can't tell you how many times I have heard of a church refusing to help someone in need because they didn't have the money! I realize that most of the people would leave a church without all of the usual trappings but the true believers would still be there. Remember when the people left Jesus because His teaching was too hard but His true disciples remained.
I fear that we have gotten caught up in religion and lost God!


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