Questions for Christians

There have been numerous Christian films come out over the past few years. So why do you not see churches promoting these films?

I see churches with signs advertising divorce recovery programs. Why not divorce prevention programs?

Christianity is being laughed at, ridiculed, mocked and despised. What is your "church" doing about it?

Where does the "church" program (i.e. sing songs, make announcements, sing songs, take up offering, sing songs and listen to a lecture)  come from in the Bible? 

Are Christians free from all laws? Are we free to murder? Are married Christians free to have affairs? Are we free to steal?  Did you know that in Judaism there are TWO sets of laws? There is the written law in the Bible and the oral law passed down through the Rabbi's. Could it be that Paul was not talking about the laws in the Bible? If we don't have any rules how do we know what sin is? Obviously we are not free from all laws so which ones are still in effect and which ones are not and why?

There has been much ado about books like Purpose Filled Life and The prayer of Jabez but what did they accomplish? Has the church profited from them or just the authors?

God clearly calls Christians to a life of Holiness in the Bible so how do people who call themselves Christian justify watching sinful things on TV and in the movies and listening to sinful things in music? 
Do you really think that Jesus, if He were here in bodily form today, would be watching what you watch and listening to what you listen to?

Why do you hear about muslims being outraged about sin in America but not Christians?

Why do Christians not take action against the attacks on Christianity in America?

Why do the Christian leaders teach only about God's love and not His righteous anger?

Why do Christians not seek the lost?

Why do you let people leave the church and not go after them?

Where in the Bible did Jesus renounce Judaism?

If He did not then why do we?

You brag to all of your church friends about God'a love, peace and strength. If it is really true why do you not tell people outside of church? Do they not need to hear it more than your friends that are already in church?

These questions are not merely to be critical, rather they are meant to cause Christians to look in the mirror, so to speak, and to reflect on where we are and where we should be.   


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