
Showing posts from 2020


  Christians who do not follow God's laws are like a school kid who has been given the answers to the test but says "I'm just going to make up my own answers".

Pick, Choose and Twist

  Christianity has become a religion of picking, choosing and twisting scripture to fit what you want to believe. 


  Guys of my generation used to say "I'm sweatin' like a whore in church". I don't think you can say that anymore. Preachers no longer preach hellfire, damnation and the need for repentance. They no longer make you sweat. Today they are too busy trying to make you feel included .   If you are living a sinful lifestyle you may be included in a religious organization but not necessarily included in heaven and excluded from hell!


  If you don't forget, did you really forgive?


Christianity in America has thrown off the reins of morality. Now, therefore, Christianity and America are adrift and horrendous seas are ahead!