Look in the mirror

Think about it, if you look at all of the problems in America today every one of them goes back to us not doing things God's way. America was founded on Christian beliefs and principles (if you don't believe me check out Wallbuilders.com they have the proof). However there are those in America who want Christianity banished from America and have been doing a very good job of accomplishing that goal over the last century. They pushed it out of the public schools and are now pushing it from any public view or hearing. Now think about this, who is responsible? The bottom line is we who call ourselves Christian must look in the mirror to find the guilty party. We have not done our job defending the freedom and rights that we were given by our founding fathers and I fear that if we don't reverse this trend soon it will be too late. I know, I know that I am not posting happy flowery messages - just the truth. After all there are plenty of people out there who have been preaching flowery messages for years and.....


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