What Do We Do?

What Do We Do?
 Not only do I see America falling off of her foundation but I also see the Church falling off of her foundation, which is why America is falling. Therefore the first thing I see that we need to do is get the church right. I see the church over the years departing from Holiness and Righteousness and now using grace as a license to sin (Jude 4 NIV). So first of all the church needs to start living right!

 I see most Christians too busy to pray, to read their Bible, to work in the church, to work outside the church ministering to those around them or to take a stand for right and against wrong in America and the world.

 We need to read the Bible and believe it and quit finding excuses to explain why certain passages don't apply to us! Verses from the Bible must be taken in context, in the context from Genesis to Revelation!

 We need to fall on our knees and pray. We need to pray for God to reveal His truth to us, I see people who call themselves Christian but are going against the will of God because they don't know the truth. Pray for God to give us his power to live like we ought to live, Jesus came to set us free from sin not to excuse us and allow us to keep on sinning. Pray for God to give us the strength and courage to stand up and be witnesses in spite of whatever persecution we may face. Pray for God to take us and use us in mighty ways to minister.

 There are numerous ways God can use to minister. It can be as simple as giving a cup of water in his name,  but let's not use that as an excuse to do a small work and then stop because God is a mighty miracle working God and He desires to do his miracles through us. Lets expect God to do miracles, signs and wonders through us as is recorded in the Bible, Jesus said that if we believe we can do the things that he did and even greater things (John 14:12), so lets start believing and expecting!

 Christians need to start standing up for the truth, standing up for what is right and against what is wrong especially here in America. Satan came against Prayer in schools and the church lost the fight. Satan pushed abortion and the church lost the fight. Satan is now coming against everything that is Christian in America we must win this battle.

 To win we must know the truth and be willing to fight for it. Christians have taken it too easy in America for too long. Christians must start sacrificing their time, giving up what we want to do like going to ball games or going to the lake (for me), to do what we need to do. We need to spend time studying the Bible not just reading a verse or two here and there. We need to spend time in prayer not just a quick bless me and mine prayer.  We need to be writing letters to our government officials, attending school board meetings, etc., etc. and standing up for what is right. If we don't start winning the fight our children and grandchildren who live for the Lord will be facing persecutions we have not imagined in this country.

Well that ought to give you enough to chew on for now!


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