
I see America falling off of her Christian foundation, turning her back on God. Pretty obvious so far huh! I read in my Bible that when The Israelites turned their backs on God that his anger burned against them. I also read that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever and since Jesus said that he and the Father are one then God has not changed either. So if Gods' anger burned against his chosen people then where do you think we stand?

 I also see the churches for the most part going through the same old religious rituals that it has been doing for hundreds of years and having very little if any effect on the world around us. I read in the Gospels and see that most of the time when Jesus blasted someone it was the church people and if Jesus were to walk the earth again in bodily form I believe it would be the same today!

 I really believe that these are desperate times and America is on the brink of suffering the wrath of God, indeed I believe it has already started in small degrees with natural and man made disasters, and yet most Christians are too busy with the daily "worries of life" to even notice and most of the ones who do notice are too busy to do anything about it. Then there are those who see the situation and want to do some thing but are deceived by the enemy into thinking there is nothing they can do about it so why bother.

 So what do we do?


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