
 Having run my own business for many years, one of the things that I learned was that if you don't have it in writing you ain't got nothing!
 Contracts are a necessary part of life.
Every time that you get a loan to make a purchase you sign a contract. Contracts specify what each party in the contract is expected to do. Without contracts, I can tell you, one person is thinking one thing and the other person is thinking something entirely different, so the contract is needed to make sure that everyone is on the same page (no pun intended). If you break a contract there are penalties involved.
 The same holds true in our relationship with our heavenly father. Even God knew that His instructions had to be written down. Hence we have the Bible.
 The Bible is God's contract with man. In it He spells out clearly what He expects from us but not only that He spells out what He will do for us.
 I know that we all sign contracts without reading them to know exactly what is in them but this is one contract that you better read. Your eternal life depends on it. You don't want to break this contract. You don't want to suffer these penalties. Read the contract and abide by it.


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