
Unfortunately it seems to me that most Christians put more faith in their denomination than they do God.
Most Christians that I have known (which is substantial) believe what their denomination believes because that is what they have been taught and they don't study the Bible on their own to find out if it is correct or not. Many of them adamantly stick to their beliefs simply because that is what they were taught by whatever denomination they happened to belong to says. Many stick to a denomination because that is the denomination that they were born into. Denominational-ism keeps Christians divided and separated. I realize that there will always be differences in beliefs because not everything in the Bible is  implicitly defined but there are many Christians that could come together on core beliefs and ignore the minor differences. If Christians would work together with other Christians of other denominations we could accomplish more. We could accomplish more simply by the numbers but then we would accomplish exponentially more because God would bless our efforts when we are unified. 


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