WOW what faith!

 I started watching a show on TV recently (I didn't finish because I couldn't stand it). The show was about how oil came to be.
 They talked about how millions of years ago the earth was different. The land masses were different, the climate was different, the seas were different, everything on earth was massively different than it is today. They said that in the time of the dinosaurs the seas were filled with huge amounts of tiny sea life (Plankton I think). When the sea life and the swimming dinosaurs died they fell to the bottom of the sea and decayed and became oil (my very rough, brief version). Then the land masses moved etc. etc. etc, that's about when I got sick of it and turned it off.
 My point of all of this is that these scientists, many of whom are atheists who demand proof that God exists, accept all of this as fact when they can't prove it either. So in other words they accept it in faith, which is why I say that modern science is the new religion. They may have geological evidence that they use to support their beliefs but they do not have proof so it is just a belief. They have great faith in their beliefs and we morons are supposed to just accept what they say as fact.
 Unfortunately I am afraid that they have greater faith than most Christians that I know.


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