
Showing posts from 2011

Sanctuary City

Since there have been numerous cities that have defied federal law and declared themselves sanctuary cities where illegal aliens can come without fear of legal action against them. I propose that we have sanctuary cities for Christians. We could have cities where Christians would be free from persecution by the ACLU and the U.S. government. Christians would be free to pray in public, have manger scenes on government property, pass out Bibles or have a cross in your yard as big as they desired. Pastors would be free to preach on whatever they wanted to without fear of attack by the I.R.S. Schools could be free to have prayer before football games or before meals or whenever they wanted to. At Christmas time people would be free to say "Merry Christmas". Basically I guess you could say that these would be cities like America used to be.

America is great because she is good

Most have heard the quote " America is great because she is good", but most are not familiar with the whole quote which is: In the end, the state of the Union comes down to the character of the people. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there. In the fertile fields and boundless prairies, and it was not there. In her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits, aflame with righteousness, did I understand the secret of her genius and power.  America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. The quote is generally attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville although some now dispute this. Whoever said it was exactly right. However, the key is the sentence before the famous quote.  " Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits, aflame ...

Two State Solution

 The world is trying to "create peace in the middle east" by forcing "the two state solution" on Israel.  America is deeply divided between the left and the right. So, how about a two state solution for America? The people on the left want to abandon the principles that America was founded on and try socialism or marxism or some sort of blend of the two. They think that it is the path to some sort of utopia. The people on the right want to go back to the constitution and the rule of law and the foundations which made this country the greatest country ever.  So, I propose a two state solution for America. Let the left have the western half of the country and the right can have the eastern half of the country.  The left can have the west with California and the nonexistent southern border. They can deal with all of the illegal aliens, have all of the left leaning politicians and judges, outlaw Christianity, have obamacare, have their socialism, marxis...

Where are all of the rich Christians?

Starting many years ago pastors and evangelists began preaching the prosperity gospel. They claimed that God loves you and wants you to be rich. Name it and claim it, they said. If you want a Cadillac name it and claim it. Well, it has been many years and I have not seen Christians getting rich. Surely God has had time to fulfill all of those requests. Unfortunately the only ones that I see who have gotten rich are the preachers and evangelists selling their books, CD's and DVD's making these bogus claims.


Indecision is a decision in itself!


Unfortunately there is not much justice in the justice system these days!

The Tree

There is a great tree that is twice as big as any other tree in the world. It is twice as big around and twice as tall. But worms, destructive worms, have gotten into the roots of the tree and the great tree is about to fall.


Christian Religious Organizations today are like people in a life raft from a sinking ship. They invite other people in the water to come get in the boat but they expect the people to come to them instead of going to get the people out of the water.

2 Chronicles 7:14

2 Chronicles 7:14 New International Version (NIV) 14   if  my people, who are called by my name,will 1- humble themselves and hum·ble   [ huhm -b uh l ,   uhm - ]   adjective,   -bler,   -blest,   verb,   -bled,   -bling –adjective 1.       not   proud   or   arrogant ;  modest:   to   be   humble   although  successful. 2. having   a   feeling   of   insignificance,   inferiority,   subservience, etc.:   In   the   presence   of   so   many   world-famous   writers   I   felt very   humble. 3. low   in   rank,   importance,   status,   quality,   etc.;   lowly:   of humble   origin;   a   humble   home . –verb   (used   with   object) 6. to   lower   in ...


The problem is not whether or not people want peace. Everyone wants peace. The problem is that everyone wants it on THEIR  terms!

Final Exam

There was an elderly man who had spent most of his life believing in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He lived his life trying his best to obey and serve God. Now he had come to the end of his life on earth and there he was standing just outside the pearly gates. But, standing between him and heaven was satan. Satan said to the man "sorry, you didn't make it you have to come with me". The man was instantly horrified, the thoughts of eternity in hell almost overcame him. But the man started to recall his life. He recalled how he read in the Bible that satan is a liar. Suddenly the mans faith began to rise up in him so he said to satan, "satan you are a liar and I don't believe you". Before the man knew what happened satan was gone and Jesus was standing in front of him. Jesus with His face radiating with a smile said "well done my good and faithful servant, you just passed your final exam"!


Unfortunately common sense is not so common anymore.


Fashion is what you pay extra for today then laugh at tomorrow.
My God, my God,   why   hast   thou   forsaken   me ?