
Showing posts from 2017

Sin No More

Jesus never said go and sin all you want. What He said was go and sin NO MORE! So stop calling yourself a CHRISTian while living like the world!

The Eighth Day

And on the eighth day God said, "I know, I will make up a bunch of rules for mankind to follow that he has no hopes of obtaining but I will require that all people, until the savior comes, strive to follow them if they want to receive eternal life then after the savior has come all people will be free to live as they wish and still receive eternal life because of My grace!" The New American Christian Translation Bible

God IS Dead!

  In the Movie God's Not Dead 2 there is a woman on trial because of her faith in God. While the trial is going on there is a group of people outside of the courthouse protesting in support of her.   Many Christians in America have been persecuted. They have had their businesses destroyed, been bankrupted and their lives ruined because of their faith in God. Where were all of the Christian supporters? The groups that hated these Christians because of their faith in God and their obedience to Him could have been stopped if Christians had taken action!  What are you doing?  What action are you taking to stand against the tide of evil sweeping across America?  If you are not taking action in defense of your faith and support of other Christians in America then I suggest to you that your God IS dead!

Abandon School Doctor Dobson says we need to pull our kids out of the public school system. I have been saying that for many years! It is always nice when one of the top Christian leaders catches up to me!

Can Donald Trump Save America?

America cannot be saved without repentance. Repentance means turning away from sin. You cannot turn away from sin unless you know what sin is. Sin is the transgression of the law. So to repent you have to know the law. Mainstream  Christianity has rejected the law. We must get back to obeying God's law!