
Showing posts from October, 2012

I Don't Understand!

 I don't understand why people in this country begrudge someone else's success.

Do You Remember These?

 Many people are posting pictures, on Facebook these days, of antiques with the question "who remembers these?". Unfortunately I remember all of them.

Protestants No Longer Majority

Luke 18:8 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 8  I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes,  will He find  [ a ] faith on the earth?” Footnotes: Luke 18:8  Lit  the faith (Thank you  According to this article, " For the first time in its history, the United States does not have a Protestant majority, according to a new study.


If someone today is called a slave to fashion it means that they are driven to keep up with the latest fashion trends and they strive to dress in the best clothes that they can. According to The Bible before you were saved you were a slave to lawlessness or living against God's law. The things contrary to God's law looked appealing and those were the things that you sought after. Those were the things that you hungered for.

Obama is not the problem

Obama is not the problem and Romney is not the solution. I have heard many people say lately that if Obama is re-elected  America is over but Obama is not the problem, he is only a symptom. The problem is us. We as a people have turned away from God.

Here's your sign

Christians have, for all time, asked God for a sign and today is no different. I have heard many many Christians say "if I only had a sign". Now God has given a clear and unmistakable sign and Christians have ignored it.

Hollywood and Christianity

Many years ago Hollywood movie producers would consult Christian advisers about their movies before they would put them out. Now they are consulting muslims. The story as I hear it is that Hollywood did not abandon the Christians but the Christians abandoned Hollywood.