
Showing posts from 2013

I'll Pray About That

  The husband says to his wife "honey we need groceries". To which the wife replies "I'll pray about that". Then she bows her head, closes her eyes and says " Father we need groceries and you promised to supply all of our needs so please give us our groceries. Amen".

The Bus Ride

You are on a bus. You your family and friends are in the back of the bus. The bus driver is in his seat and his family and friends are in the front of the bus. The problem is, the bus driver and his family and friends are a bunch of lunatics. The driver is going 90 M.P.H. down a road that leads straight off of a cliff and his family and friends are cheering him on.

Christian Influence in America by the Numbers Part II

  In a previous post titled Christian Influence in America by the Numbers ( ) I postulated the percentage of Christians in America, who are serious and might actually do something, at 19.25%.   If you haven't read that post go back and read it first to see how I arrived at that number.

Lesson In Irony

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people. Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves." Thus ends today's lesson in irony.

The Empire

Christians must understand that we are fighting an empire. I am not talking about a spiritual empire, I am talking about a literal earthly empire.

Thems Fightin Words

Many times in the Old Testament God called His people to fight. He called them to fight their pagan enemies. Did God Change? The Bible says that God does not change.

Christians Could If They Would

 This is somewhat of a continuation of my last post "Christian Influence in America By the Numbers", so if you haven't read it you might want to back up and read it first.  Christians could change the culture in America if they would. There are two simple things that Christians could do that would have an immediate and profound impact on America.

Christian Influence in America by the Numbers

 If you look back over the last few decades you can plainly see that Christians' influence in America has been severely lacking. Gays have come out of the closet and Christians are being pushed into the closet. However, if you look at the numbers you will find something very strange.


 WWJD was a fad years ago. It was such a big phenomenon that even the secular world knows what it means but of course they typically make fun of it.

Questions For America

As we watch the rapid destruction of America happening before our eyes I have some questions that I would like to know what you think: In general how do you see the future in America? Are you concerned about the future of America and the future of your children and grandchildren? Is America facing God's judgment and wrath for it's sin? Is there anything that we as Christians can do to save America? What can/should the church be doing? Can we trust the Republican party anymore or should we be looking for a third party? Does the voting process work anymore? Do we need to take  actions other than voting?  Is America headed for another financial collapse? Do you think that we are headed for armed conflict in America? Should we be/are you prepping (preparing) for disaster in America, if so, how? Is it too late for America? Please leave your thought and comments.  Thank you.


Just because your church says it doesn't mean it is true! Unfortunately, for many Christians, the realization of this fact means that you have to study the Bible for yourself to find out what the truth is. You have to seriously study, not just look up the passages that they tell you to and say "yep sure enough there it is in the Bible". One Bible verse cannot contradict another or the whole Bible would then be in question. All Bible verses have to be in agreement. Therefore when someone tells you some "fact" about Christianity you have to know the whole Bible to know if it is true or not.  To know God's truth requires much study.

WOW what faith!

 I started watching a show on TV recently (I didn't finish because I couldn't stand it). The show was about how oil came to be.


 Why is it that Christians can spend two hours or more watching a movie, numerous hours on the internet or all day at a sports event but don't have time to read their Bible or pray or go to church?  As they say, actions speak louder than words. Do your actions not show the true priority of the heart?


  Having run my own business for many years, one of the things that I learned was that if you don't have it in writing you ain't got nothing!  Contracts are a necessary part of life.


Unfortunately it seems to me that most Christians put more faith in their denomination than they do God.

Darkness Descending

 I have spent most of my adult life warning people that we in America are heading in the wrong direction. I see America descending into the pits of hell and good people are doing nothing to stop it.


From the article entitled  'Strongest evidence yet to there being life on Mars' The Telegraph ( Speaking from his laboratory at the University of Aberdeen, geochemist Prof Parnell said: "We could be so close to discovering if there is, or was, life on Mars. "We know from studies that a substantial proportion of all life on Earth is also in the subsurface and by studying the McLaughlin Crater we can see similar conditions beneath the surface of Mars thanks to observations on the rocks brought up by the meteorite strike. "There can be no life on the surface of Mars because it is bathed in radiation and it's completely frozen. However, life in the sub surface would be protected from that. "And there is no reason why there isn't bacteria or other microbes that were or still are living in the small cracks well below the surface of Mars. OK, so if scientists will celebrate microbes as life on Mars, why do they deba...


Repent Ezekiel 14:6 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 6  “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord  God , “ Repent and turn away from your idols and turn your faces away from all your abominations.